Warning: Undefined array key "session_language" in /customers/4/6/6/dki-03.dk/httpd.www/tng/begin.php on line 27 Warning: Undefined array key "session_charset" in /customers/4/6/6/dki-03.dk/httpd.www/tng/begin.php on line 28 Warning: Undefined array key "tnglang_customers466dki-03dkhttpdwwwtng" in /customers/4/6/6/dki-03.dk/httpd.www/tng/getlang.php on line 13 Warning: Undefined variable $lang in /customers/4/6/6/dki-03.dk/httpd.www/tng/getlang.php on line 19 Warning: Undefined variable $nologin in /customers/4/6/6/dki-03.dk/httpd.www/tng/tng_begin.php on line 14 Warning: Undefined array key "currentuser" in /customers/4/6/6/dki-03.dk/httpd.www/tng/checklogin.php on line 4 Warning: Undefined array key "currentuserdesc" in /customers/4/6/6/dki-03.dk/httpd.www/tng/checklogin.php on line 5 Warning: Undefined array key "F38_MARR" in /customers/4/6/6/dki-03.dk/httpd.www/tng/personlib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "F38_MARR" in /customers/4/6/6/dki-03.dk/httpd.www/tng/personlib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "F38_" in /customers/4/6/6/dki-03.dk/httpd.www/tng/personlib.php on line 166 Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /customers/4/6/6/dki-03.dk/httpd.www/tng/begin.php:27) in /customers/4/6/6/dki-03.dk/httpd.www/tng/genlib.php on line 61 Familieskema for 109 Mads HANSEN / 109 Ane PEDERSEN (F38) g. 14 jun. 1861
Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /customers/4/6/6/dki-03.dk/httpd.www/tng/globallib.php on line 926 Warning: Undefined array key "webmatches" in /customers/4/6/6/dki-03.dk/httpd.www/tng/genlib.php on line 383

Familie: 109 Mads HANSEN / 109 Ane PEDERSEN (F38)

g. 14 jun. 1861

Warning: Undefined array key "haskids" in /customers/4/6/6/dki-03.dk/httpd.www/tng/familygroup.php on line 112 Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /customers/4/6/6/dki-03.dk/httpd.www/tng/globallib.php on line 926 Warning: Undefined array key "haskids" in /customers/4/6/6/dki-03.dk/httpd.www/tng/familygroup.php on line 132 Warning: Undefined array key "F38_BIRT" in /customers/4/6/6/dki-03.dk/httpd.www/tng/personlib.php on line 166 Warning: Undefined array key "F38_CHR" in /customers/4/6/6/dki-03.dk/httpd.www/tng/personlib.php on line 166 Warning: Undefined array key "F38_DEAT" in /customers/4/6/6/dki-03.dk/httpd.www/tng/personlib.php on line 166 Warning: Undefined array key "F38_BURI" in /customers/4/6/6/dki-03.dk/httpd.www/tng/personlib.php on line 166 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/4/6/6/dki-03.dk/httpd.www/tng/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/4/6/6/dki-03.dk/httpd.www/tng/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/4/6/6/dki-03.dk/httpd.www/tng/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/4/6/6/dki-03.dk/httpd.www/tng/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "haskids" in /customers/4/6/6/dki-03.dk/httpd.www/tng/familygroup.php on line 112 Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /customers/4/6/6/dki-03.dk/httpd.www/tng/globallib.php on line 926 Warning: Undefined array key "haskids" in /customers/4/6/6/dki-03.dk/httpd.www/tng/familygroup.php on line 132 Warning: Undefined array key "F38_BIRT" in /customers/4/6/6/dki-03.dk/httpd.www/tng/personlib.php on line 166 Warning: Undefined array key "F38_CHR" in /customers/4/6/6/dki-03.dk/httpd.www/tng/personlib.php on line 166 Warning: Undefined array key "F38_DEAT" in /customers/4/6/6/dki-03.dk/httpd.www/tng/personlib.php on line 166 Warning: Undefined array key "F38_BURI" in /customers/4/6/6/dki-03.dk/httpd.www/tng/personlib.php on line 166 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/4/6/6/dki-03.dk/httpd.www/tng/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/4/6/6/dki-03.dk/httpd.www/tng/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/4/6/6/dki-03.dk/httpd.www/tng/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/4/6/6/dki-03.dk/httpd.www/tng/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/4/6/6/dki-03.dk/httpd.www/tng/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/4/6/6/dki-03.dk/httpd.www/tng/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/4/6/6/dki-03.dk/httpd.www/tng/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/4/6/6/dki-03.dk/httpd.www/tng/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /customers/4/6/6/dki-03.dk/httpd.www/tng/globallib.php on line 926 Warning: Undefined array key "F38_BIRT" in /customers/4/6/6/dki-03.dk/httpd.www/tng/personlib.php on line 166 Warning: Undefined array key "F38_CHR" in /customers/4/6/6/dki-03.dk/httpd.www/tng/personlib.php on line 166 Warning: Undefined array key "F38_DEAT" in /customers/4/6/6/dki-03.dk/httpd.www/tng/personlib.php on line 166 Warning: Undefined array key "F38_BURI" in /customers/4/6/6/dki-03.dk/httpd.www/tng/personlib.php on line 166 Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /customers/4/6/6/dki-03.dk/httpd.www/tng/familygroup.php on line 229 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/4/6/6/dki-03.dk/httpd.www/tng/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/4/6/6/dki-03.dk/httpd.www/tng/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /customers/4/6/6/dki-03.dk/httpd.www/tng/globallib.php on line 926 Warning: Undefined array key "F38_BIRT" in /customers/4/6/6/dki-03.dk/httpd.www/tng/personlib.php on line 166 Warning: Undefined array key "F38_CHR" in /customers/4/6/6/dki-03.dk/httpd.www/tng/personlib.php on line 166 Warning: Undefined array key "F38_DEAT" in /customers/4/6/6/dki-03.dk/httpd.www/tng/personlib.php on line 166 Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /customers/4/6/6/dki-03.dk/httpd.www/tng/familygroup.php on line 229 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/4/6/6/dki-03.dk/httpd.www/tng/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /customers/4/6/6/dki-03.dk/httpd.www/tng/globallib.php on line 87 Warning: Undefined array key "-x--general--x-" in /customers/4/6/6/dki-03.dk/httpd.www/tng/personlib.php on line 917 Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /customers/4/6/6/dki-03.dk/httpd.www/tng/personlib.php on line 917 Warning: Undefined array key "-x--general--x-" in /customers/4/6/6/dki-03.dk/httpd.www/tng/personlib.php on line 917 Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /customers/4/6/6/dki-03.dk/httpd.www/tng/personlib.php on line 917 Warning: Undefined array key "-x--general--x-" in /customers/4/6/6/dki-03.dk/httpd.www/tng/personlib.php on line 917 Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /customers/4/6/6/dki-03.dk/httpd.www/tng/personlib.php on line 917 Warning: Undefined array key "-x--general--x-" in /customers/4/6/6/dki-03.dk/httpd.www/tng/personlib.php on line 917 Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /customers/4/6/6/dki-03.dk/httpd.www/tng/personlib.php on line 917 Warning: Undefined array key "-x--general--x-" in /customers/4/6/6/dki-03.dk/httpd.www/tng/personlib.php on line 917 Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /customers/4/6/6/dki-03.dk/httpd.www/tng/personlib.php on line 917 Warning: Undefined array key "-x--general--x-" in /customers/4/6/6/dki-03.dk/httpd.www/tng/personlib.php on line 917 Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /customers/4/6/6/dki-03.dk/httpd.www/tng/personlib.php on line 917 Warning: Undefined array key "-x--general--x-" in /customers/4/6/6/dki-03.dk/httpd.www/tng/personlib.php on line 792
Familie oplysninger    |    PDF

  • Far | Mand
    109 Mads HANSEN

    Født  19 jun. 1823  Gejsing, Andst Sogn, Anst Herred, Ribe Amt Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted
    Døbt  19 jun. 1823  Hjemmet, Andst Sogn, Andst Herred, Ribe Amt Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted
    Død  3 dec. 1867  Stubdrup Mark, Harte Sogn, Brusk Herred, Vejle Amt Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted
    Begravet  12 dec. 1867  Harte Kirkegård Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted
    Gift  14 jun. 1861  [1]  Harte Kirke  [1] Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted
    Far  109 Hans MADSEN | F48 Gruppeskema 
    Mor  109 Else Marie IVERSDATTER | F48 Gruppeskema 

    Mor | Kvinde
    109 Ane PEDERSEN

    Født  18 jun. 1843  Stubdrup Mark, Harte Sogn, Brusk Herred, Vejle Amt Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted
    Døbt  23 jul. 1843  Harte Kirke Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted
    Død  4 jun. 1882  Christianshavns Fængsel, Sokkelund Herred, Københavns Amt Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted
    Begravet  7 jun. 1882   
    Andre partnere  109 Hans Christian HANSEN | F55 
    Far  109 Peder PEDERSEN | F40 Gruppeskema 
    Mor  109 Voldborg NIELSDATTER | F40 Gruppeskema 

    Barn 1 | Mand
    109 Hans Peter HANSEN

    Født  1 nov. 1864  Stubdrup Mark, Harte Sogn, Brusk Herred, Vejle Amt Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted
    Døbt  12 nov. 1864  Hjemmet, Harte Sogn, Brusk Herred, Vejle Amt Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted
    Død  16 nov. 1864  Stubdrup Mark, Harte Sogn, Brusk Herred, Vejle Amt Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted
    Begravet  21 nov. 1864  Harte Kirkegård Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted

    Barn 2 | Mand
    + 109 Mads HANSEN

    Født  16 dec. 1867  Stubdrup Mark, Harte Sogn, Brusk Herred, Vejle Amt Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted
    Døbt  2 feb. 1868  Harte Kirke Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted
    Død  Ja, dato ukendt   
    Partner  109 Mette Kirstine Marie PETERSEN SCHMIDT | F39 
    Gift  21 nov. 1890  Andst Kirke Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted

  • Kilder 
    1. [S5] FamilySearch, Harte 6 (1846-1881), opslag 170 af 229, fol. 180, nr. 2 (Pålidelighed: 4), 17 apr. 2014.
      Ungkarl Mads Hansen af Gejsing Andst Sogn og Huusmd. Ribe Amt, 37 Aar gammel |:født den 19de Juni 1823:|. Pigen Anne Pedersen af Eldahl Stubdrup mark, Harthe Sogn, Brusk Herred, Veile Amt, 17 Aar gammel, |:født den 18de Juni 1843:|. Forlovere: Gaardmand Frederik Johansen af Glibstrup Andst Sogn, Huusmand Peder Sørensen af Harthe Sogn og Mark. Begge vaccinerede. Efter foregaaende Tillysning.

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /customers/4/6/6/dki-03.dk/httpd.www/tng/genlib.php on line 243